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What I Did Today

July 21, 2011

Hey guys. Are you as boiling hot as I am? It’s 100 degrees here, and it feels like 110 because it’s so humid too; it’s like I’m drinking my air. Disgusting. 

Anyway, lately I’ve been loving lists, as you can see here, here, and here. Continuing with that theme, I thought I’d do a little list recap of my day.

  • I woke up and attached my IV drip made myself a huge mug of chocolate-raspberry flavored coffee, black.
  • I devoured a huge bowl of plain oatmeal (I’m talking 1 full cup of dry oats), and 3 egg whites scrambled with basil. I just want to clarify that I only had the whites because to me, the yolks are nasty. It’s not an ED thing, it’s a Bryana thing. I’ve never liked the yolks, and probably never will. As for the oats, sometimes Plain Jane is just the way to go. I ground them up into flour and cooked them in 1 3/4 cups water. They turn out thicker and creamier than oat bran, and to me the flavor is better. Now my question is, who is Jane, and is she really that plain?
  • About 20 minutes later, I was still hungry so I ate some pb and jam straight off the spoon, and some roasted almonds.
  • I drank a second cup of coffee. Mmm, coffee makes me happy.
  • I drove with my dad to Six Flags, Great Adventure. It was about an hour-long drive, and we didn’t have the AC on. While going 70mph on the highway with the windows open, it wasn’t that bad, but when we got onto the smaller roads, the heat was torture.
  • We rode The Green Lantern stand-up rollercoaster (which was actually really great) and El Torro and got out season passes processed.
  • I drove all the way back home, but this time insisted on turning the air on. My dad handles the heat really well, and is actually most comfortable in like 80-90 degree weather. For me, it is hell. So thankfully, we had the AC blasting the whole way home.
  • I got home and ate a huge lunch which included an apple, papaya, cottage cheese, cereal, pretzels, chocolate, pb, and roasted almonds.
  • My dad opened his birthday presents. Oh yeah, it’s his birthday; I guess I forgot to say that. Last June, my daddy bought himself a Porsche, and so for his presents this year, my mom and I bought him two caps with the Porsche logo on it, a Porsche coffee mug, and a Porsche travel mug. Along with the key chain and third cap we got him last Christmas, I think he now has enough Porsche paraphernalia, no?
  • I played two rounds of Letter Linker. That game is sooo addictive.
  • I cut up a huge, super sweet watermelon and proceeded to eat 1/4 of it.
  • My mom surprised me with these gorgeous new high-heeled sandals that she got at Marshalls. I love them, and I’m so glad they fit. 
  • I watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 for the second time in 3 days. And I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.

And now, I should be doing AP Bio I’m sitting here, blogging.

Ok, I also wanted to bring up one last thing. Remember AJ? The most amazing boy, person, friend in the whole wide world?

He’s moving. To London. My best friend is moving, not just to a new country, but to a new continent…across an ocean. And I’m devastated. When he first told me, he said, “I’m most likely moving, unless we hear back from my dad’s company and they say no.” So in the beginning, I was completely in denial, holding onto every last shred of hope that it was all one evil lie. But now as July draws to a close, it’s becoming all the more real that he’ll actually go.

Right now it’s still a watch and wait game, but there’s a 99% chance that he’s leaving me. It kills me to say it; I’m tearing up right now. This boy is the one whom I trust with all my secrets, the one I talk to about anything and everything, no matter how odd, gross, mean, or weird it is. We know things about each other that no one else does. He’s leaving me. And I’m devastated.


Hmm, I really don’t like ending my posts so negatively, so here are some happy questions for you to ponder:

How’s the weather by you?  Hopefully it’s not 213,353,925 degrees like it is here by me.

Do you have a favorite melon?

I actually don’t have one that I like the best; I think watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew are all equally delicious. The other day I tried this new-to-me canary melon, which was amazing. Imagine the sweetest honeydew you’ve ever had. Make it 5 times sweeter and a little juicier, and you have the canary melon. I really cannot pick; they are all so good.

Why is Jane so plain?

8 Comments leave one →
  1. July 21, 2011 6:22 pm

    I love melons so so so much. I don’t think I can pick a favorite. It is 101 here today. I like the heat but would prefer 80s to 100s!
    Im so sorry about your best friend moving. London seems so far! Hopefully you will both keep in touch and maybe visit.

  2. July 21, 2011 8:16 pm

    Melons are so good, but I really only love watermelon. Honeydew can be okay, but nothing beats a juicy watermelon in summer, especially squirted with lime juice!

    It’s pretty hot here too, like in the mid-90s, but luckily we have no humidity here so it doesn’t feel too unbearable.

    Say happy birthday to your dad for me! Mine is next week, so another late July birthday. I actually know a lot of people with July birthdays, it’s weird.

  3. July 21, 2011 10:44 pm

    lololol “why is jane so plain?” i love it. i’m so sorry about your friend. the weather here is terrible also.

  4. July 22, 2011 7:40 am

    I CANT handle the weather!! UGH its so badddd 😦

  5. Claire permalink
    July 22, 2011 6:47 pm

    Watermelons are my favorite! I like to switch it up every once in a while and drizzle mine in lemon juice. Have you tried that? It’s almost like a way-delicious sourheads candy or lemonade. Can’t beat a plain, juicy watermelon though!

  6. July 23, 2011 1:38 pm

    I am sorry about your friend 😦 It must be tough, but I know that with things like skype and stuff, you will keep in touch easier than ever!


  7. Sarah permalink
    July 23, 2011 4:11 pm

    I’m so sorry your friend is leaving, Bryana. That is SO hard! Scott is right though, skype makes staying in touch so easy and I’m sure you’ll always have a place to stay in London if you decide to travel there :).
    Thinking of you always!

  8. July 24, 2011 12:10 am

    I’m back – haha. I decided on a favorite melon. Canary melon! I had it (devoured two) last week but didn’t even know what it was exactly. Now I just figured it out from someone today and thought of you. SOOOOO DELICIOUS!

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